Friday, May 26, 2006

Better Said Than I Could Ever...

Ahmed Rashid has a new article in the Yale Global Online.

The article is titled "A Taliban Comeback?" (I approve of the use of the question mark, and finally am praising an article headline!) Not surprisingly, given the author, it discusses the some of the issues I've been trying to touch on much more intelligently and articulately than I could ever. Obviously, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

quasim said...

Me? Brash and judgmental, never! But I think I was judging the title by the article, and especially the author (Ahmad Rashid fan, that I am.)

But your comment buttresses the point I made at the end of the last post, i.e. my naivete. I don't even know where the Andarab province is.

As for the ending of your comment, the rosy-eyed optimist ending to that situation would be rule of law, and civil society/institutions that would provide a means of resolving those histories. Except for that the means used now, are the ones that have been long standing in this civil society. Maybe you're right about no real ending...